I found the recipe on a blog called How Sweet It Is (my new obsession for recipe searching).
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Baked Parmesan Spaghetti
I found the recipe on a blog called How Sweet It Is (my new obsession for recipe searching).
Graduation Day
It finally came. Since high school I have wanted to be a speech-language pathologist and on Sunday I officially earned my master’s degree.
I must admit my emotions are kind of all over the place. I am kind of sad. Sad because college life as I know it is over and the girls I have spent the last 3-4 years with will all be going separate ways (lets stay in touch CD ladies). Scared. Scared because a new chapter of my life is beginning-my life in the real word. For the last 20+ years I have been a student and now I will be the professional. Uncertain. Uncertain because there are still so many decisions to be made and details to contemplate as I consider job offers. However, despite all these other emotions happiness is the overwhelming winner. Happiness because school has allowed be to meet wonderful people. Happiness- because I have completed a program that will allow me to be in a profession I love. Happiness- because I will be done with the stress, nerves, and lack of sleep that accompany a challenging academic program. Happiness- because as they say the best is yet to come.
Even though graduation is typically about the graduate there are many people in my life who helped make this day possible and contributed to my success.
To my parents for providing me a strong foundation and your constant physical, emotional and financial support
To my sister who has always been there despite being miles away. Thank you for answering my panicked phone calls, giving advice, calming me down, and making me laugh.
To my friends, family, and classmates for your constant support
To my professors and supervisors for increasing my skills as a clinician and allowing me to grow as a professional
Finally, to the clients I have had the pleasure of working with. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives and witness such personal life occurrences
So here is to the future. My wings have been built and now it is time to fly.
Congratulations to UK CSD Class of 2011. We did it!
Monday, May 2, 2011
The Mousetrap
I used the "I'm moving and have no food" excuse to visit this favorite of mine one last time before I move. I also got the orange glazed carrots alongside it.
And a pretty close up:
The Mousetrap offers seating for dining in and also the option of carryout. Additionally, they sell many gourmet food items as well including pasta, olive oils, and imported cheeses.
Magee's Bakery
Magee's serves pastries, breakfast sandwiches, quiche, and lunch sandwiches. Here are my favorite things I have gotten there:
1) The Chocolate Filled Crossiant
2) Cheese Danish
3) Pumpkin Muffin
4) Blueberry Scone.
On Sunday I got the danish because at 10am they were already sold out of the chocolate crossiant. It is just that good. It actually worked out though because I got to try something new.