Monday, April 25, 2011

Long Time, No Blog

Man it has been a long time since I have posted. Unfortunately I do not have any delicious recipes to share but I do have an update on what I have been doing the last 6 or so months.

I finished my rotation at UK Outpatient Clinic/UK Hospital. It was a great experience and I got to work with so many wonderful supervisors and fellow graduate clinicians. I also said good-bye to a client I had worked with for 6 months at that site which was much harder than I thought it would be.

I celebrated Christmas break by studying for the SLP Praxis and took that January 15.

In January I began my new clinical rotation at Scott County Schools. After dealing with snow days early on, I have been at both an elementary and middle school on a regular basis. I must say I love the middle school population which was a surprise to me. Even after accounting for immaturity, hormones, and sometimes just general jerkiness/disrespect, 6-8 graders are a fun bunch.

In February I booked my plane ticket to visit my sister in Fairbanks, Alaska! I leave 4 days after my May graduation and will be staying there for 36 days. This has been my light at the end of the graduate school tunnel. I have not seen my sister since she and my brother-in-law moved there in July 2010. To say I am excited is an understatement. It will be a full month of just girls nights.

In March 2011 I took the Educational Praxis and passed my oral comprehensive exam. I presented a case study to a panel of my professors on a client I worked with who had severe ataxic dysarthria and lingering cognitive deficits.

In April 2011 I finished my TEP portfolio which represented my last project for grad school I will ever turn in.

Currently, I am finishing up my rotation at Scott County Schools which concludes my last semester of graduate school. Now, I am considering my job options and packing up my apartment.

While cooking may be limited (since I only have 1.5 weeks in my apartment and boxes are overtaking every room in the place) I promise to have some delicious food from some of the places I have frequented the most while living in Lexington.

Hopefully, this crazy stormy Kentucky weather ends soon and we can start enjoying spring.